I am blessed!  I live โ€œUp Northโ€ in Wisconsin with my five children ranging from third grade through high school, my husband, whom Iโ€™m lucky enough to call my best friend,  our โ€œpolar bearโ€ a Great Pyrenees named Honey and our โ€œbear cubโ€ a Bernese Mountain Dog named Scout. The view from my windows everyday is filled with beauty and I am excited to share my love of Northwoods Living with you.

I enjoy the outdoors in every season, style my log cabin home to be warm and welcoming for family, friends and our guests. I am passionate about building family memories for my children, decorating, and entertaining.

I grew up in the bluebonnet fields of Texas, moved north to the corn fields of Iowa for college and now even further north to the woods of Wisconsin.  I began my career as an elementary school teacher before becoming a stay at home mom. MOPS (Motherโ€™s of Preschoolers) was a part of my life for 15 years! I spend time volunteering at the kidsโ€™ schools and in the community.

White Arrows Home Kids

My passion for decorating and hospitality has been ever present.  Every Thanksgiving and family party growing up I was staging the table and prepping to entertain, I loved being the hostess.

What else do I love?

Reading, Antiquing, Fitness, Scrapbooking, Coffee, Wineโ€ฆ find out more about me and my hobbies here.

My best days look like this:

In Summerโ€ฆWaking up to a beautiful sunrise out of my bedroom windows~ spending a few extra minutes cuddled up under the covers~ making a cup of coffee (wellโ€ฆmy first cup of coffee)~making breakfast for the household~quiet time in Godโ€™s word and in prayer while everythingโ€™s in the oven~ lingering breakfast (still in jammies- of course)~change into boat clothes and head down to the dock with a book or a stack of magazines and a big glass of water to watch the kids swim, fish, catch crayfishโ€ฆ~ head out to wake surf, tube, waterski and spend the day as a family on the boat~come in and change for a run~ shower and change for the evening, prepping dinner for Brian to make on the grill~ enjoy a cocktail on the deck listening to good music and smelling dinner cook~ enjoy dinner and stories around the table~ finish the evening around the campfire with lots of laughs~ head to bed full of sunshine and good memories.

In Winterโ€ฆ Wake up wishing I could stay in my warm bed even longer~make my first cup of coffee~ make breakfast~ quiet time and prayers for the day~ breakfast together~ morning of board games~ afternoon snowshoeing, cross country skiing, snowmobilingโ€ฆ( The winter is just as fun as the summer! Still lots of fun activities to do! See a post here.) cocktail by the fireplace while dinner cooks~ dinner together~ cuddle up for a movie~ kids to bed and read aloud to the โ€œlittle onesโ€~ glass of wine with Brian watching the fire in the fireplace burn to embers and the end to another wonderful day come to close.